Since there are already the latest conditional tags, then to hide or display widgets / gadgets on certain pages for Blogger / Blogspot also changes. However, using the old methods can also still be done.
If the widget / gadget that we want to hide or display is part of the header, sidebar or footer gadget, then the method is as follows.
Login to Blogger> Themes> Edit HTML.
Then select the Jump to widget dropdown, as in the following image.
For example, widgets / gadgets that you want to hide are as in the following code:
<b:widget id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
And the widget / gadget you want to hide on the Post Preview page, then just add a special conditional tag like this:
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isPreview' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
If you want to apply it to other pages, do the following.
1. Only want to display the widget on the front page (homepage)
<b:widget cond='data:view.isHomepage' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
2. Want to hide widgets on the front page (homepage)
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isHomepage' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
3. Only want to display the widget on the item page (post page and static page)
<b:widget cond='data:view.isSingleItem' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
4. Want to hide widgets on item pages (post page and static page)
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isSingleItem' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
5. Only want to display the widget on the Post page
<b:widget cond='data:view.isPost' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
6. Want to hide widgets on the Post page
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isPost' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
7. Only want to display the widget on the Static page
<b:widget cond='data:view.isPage' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
8. Want to hide widgets on the Static page
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isPage' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
9. Want to hide widgets on all Search pages
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isSearch' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
10. Want to hide widgets only on the Label Search page
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isLabelSearch' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
11. Want to hide widgets only on the Item and Error pages
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isSingleItem or !data:view.isError' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
12. Want to hide widgets in Blogger Layout Menu
<b:widget cond='!data:view.isLayoutMode' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
13. Want to Display Widgets on Specified Post pages (certain URLs)
<b:widget cond='data:view.url == "YOUR_URL_HERE"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
<b:widget cond='data:view.url == ""' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
If 2 URLs:
<b:widget cond='data:view.url == "URL_1" or data:view.url == "URL_2"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
14. Want to Hide Widgets on Certain Posts (certain URLs)
<b:widget cond='data:view.url != "YOUR_URL_HERE"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
15. Want to Display Widgets only on certain Label Name pages
<b:widget cond=' == "LABEL_NAME"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
If 2 labels:
<b:widget cond=' == "LABEL_NAME_1" or == "LABEL_NAME_2"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='mgid' type='HTML'>
16. Want to Hide Widgets only on certain Label Name pages
<b:widget cond=' != "LABEL_NAME"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>...</b:widget>
If 3 labels:
<b:widget cond=' != "LABEL_NAME_1" and != "LABEL_NAME_2" and != "LABEL_NAME_3"' id='HTML2' locked='false' title='mgid' type='HTML'>
Thank you